Monday, April 09, 2007

Where Were You in '62?

I caught this loooong meme from Dharmafey, right after she caught one from me.

What were you doing?
20 years ago (April 1987)
Age? 33

Were you in school? No

Where did you work?
I owned a clothing store in Santa Rosa CA

Where did you live?
Healdsburg, CA

What were your regular haunts?
The Raven cinema, the public library, the park behind my house, my DD's kindergarten classroom, the quilt store, my sewing room, pediatrician's office

Did you wear glasses?
Definitely: probably creatively shaped plastic frames with photo gray lenses.

Who was your best friend?

How many tattoos did you have?
None then (or now)

How many piercings did you have?
Just the ears, two holes in each.

What did you drive?
1983 Toyota Corolla wagon

Had you been to a real party yet?
That's where I met my DH

Heart broken yet?
very much so

Status on the market?
married, broke, not investing

Ten years ago (April 1997)

Age? 43

Were you in school?

Where did you work?
same job I have now: accounting at a school district

Where did you live?
Half Moon Bay, CA (still do)

What were your regular haunts?
dye studio, sewing room, library, quilt guild meeting, eye surgeon's office

Did you wear glasses?
I was waiting to get cornea transplants, so I wore glasses but they didn't work very well.

Who was your best friend?

How many tattoos did you have?

How many piercings did you have?
same 2 in the ears, but they were closed up.

What did you drive?
I couldn't see to drive, but I taught DD to drive stick shift in a 1987 Nissan Sentra.

Had you been to a real party yet?

Heart broken yet?
Oh yeah.

Status on the market?
Still married, still broke

Five years ago (April 2002)

Age? 48

Were you in school? If so, where and for what?
Yes, getting my credential to teach adult education

Where did you work?
same place I worked in 1997, plus I taught 5 nights a week at the adult school.

Where did you live?
Half Moon Bay, CA (still do)

What were your regular haunts?
quilt & yarn stores and ebay

Did you wear glasses?
Just for reading, and contacts

Who were your best friends?

How many tattoos did you have?
still none

How many piercings did you have?
My ear holes are all still there, but closed up.

What did you drive?
a shared 1995 purple GEO Prizm with jewels on the dashboard courtesy of DD

Had you been to a real party yet?
Many more

Heart broken yet?
Several times

Status on the market?
still married, not quite as broke

As of today (April 2007)

Age? 53

Are you in school? If so, where and for what?

Where do you work?
same place as before

Where do you live?
Half Moon Bay, CA

What are your regular haunts?
yarn stores, blogland, my weekly knitting group

Do you wear glasses?
Reading glasses and contacts

Who is your best friend?

Do you talk to your old friends?
If I am in touch, it's mostly by email

Do you have a crush?

How many tattoos do you have?
still none

How many piercings do you have?
2 unused ones in each ear

What do you drive?
2004 Volkswagen Passat Wagon

Have you been to a real party yet?
I sort of try to avoid them.

Heart broken yet?
Not in a while.

Status on the market?
still married

Besides ones of the pet variety, any dependents?
Just DH and a returned to the nest DD, sans husband

1 comment:

Dharmafey said...

Hee hee, what fun!