Sunday, April 01, 2007

Sunday Seven to the Nines

Seven Things I'm grateful for this week:

  1. Good friends who scan old pictures and email them to you
  2. April birthdays
  3. Home grown vegetables
  4. The large stash of yarn I have on hand to knit from when money is tight
  5. Fresh baked artichoke bread from Norm's market in Pescadero, CA
  6. Cafe Mochas
  7. Sunday mornings at home


Joan said...

Great things to be thankful for this Sunday! I love the pic you included too!

elementary historyteacher said...

Great list. The artichoke bread sounds interesting. I've never seen any.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of you in the red poncho - very sweet.

Lots to be thankful for - truly. Home grown veggies and artichoke bread! Love the sound of that.

My Sunday Seven #4 is up too - a tad behind today.